Wieviel Kleidung braucht der Mensch?

Wieviel Kleidung braucht der Mensch?

SchülerInnen der Integrierten Gesamtschule „Valle di Ledro“ in Südtirol präsentieren die Ergenisse ihrer Recherchen im eigenen Kleiderschrank ©Stefania Pace

 Wieviel Kleidung braucht der Mensch?

In Deutschand besitzt ein Mensch durchschnittlich 95 Kleidungsstücke. Die Zahl resultiert aus einer Online-Befragung von Greenpeace aus dem Jahr 2015, an der sich mehr als 1000 Personen beteiligten. Es dürften nicht weniger geworden sein. Im Rahmen einer Schulprojektwoche von STREETWARE im vergangenen Jahr
zählten Schüler:innen der Willkommensklasse I der Otto-Hahn-Schule Neukölln ihre Kleidungsstücke. Die Untersuchung brachte erstaunliches aus dem Schrankinneren ans Tageslicht: Nicht nur die Anzahl der Kleidungsstücke überraschte zuweilen, sondern auch die Herstellungsländer, die keine Schlüsse über den Standort der Garderobe zuließen: Ginge es nach den Etiketten müssten die Kleiderschränke und Kommoden in Asien stehen.

Im Vorfeld unseres digitalen Workshops mit Schüler:innen der integrierten Gesamtschule „Valle di Ledro“, Sekundarstufe l „G. Garibaldi“ und der Kunst-Dozentin Stefania Pace baten wir auch sie, ihre Kleidungsstücke zu zählen. Die Ergebnisse stellten die Schüler:innen in Zeichnungen dar.
Auf der linken Seite Ergebnisse der Kleiderzählung der italienischen Schule, daneben der Berliner Otto-Hahn-Schule.

Luxury Society

Luxury Society



Lorenzo Francesconi


Luxury Society:
That society that produces Culture, Wellness, Wealth, Progress, Profit …
That society where one has the privilege of being bored, the good fortune of growing old.
That society where a mischievous glance is considered a nuisance.
Poor Society:
That society that is exploited, culture is lost in folklore, freedom is an utopia and wealth is in the hands of a corrupt few who sell off to the highest bidder.
That society where there is no running water, where tomorrow is uncertain.
That society where even rape is tolerated.

Luxury Society brings you to consciousness. To understand that space is just a sound; space/time is a distortion created by the decoding of signs.
Poor Society is enslaved by the Luxury Society. It has no time or opportunity for scientific/philosophical reflections, it feels hunger.

This is why I chose this photo, of a hat eating another, and I decided to summarize these concepts in this brief linguistic sign:

„Space and time do not exist. Hunger does.“

La Società di serie A:
Quella società che produce Cultura, Benessere, Ricchezza, Progresso, Profitto…
Quella società dove si ha il privilegio di annoiarsi, la fortuna di invecchiare.
Quella società dove un’occhiata maliziosa è considerata una molestia.
La società di serie B:
Quella società che viene sfruttata, la Cultura si perde nel folklore, la libertà è una chimera e la ricchezza è in mano a pochi corrotti che svendono al miglior offerente.
Quella società dove manca l’acqua corrente, dove il domani è incerto.
Quella società dove persino lo stupro è tollerato.

La società di serie A ti porta alla consapevolezza. A capire che lo spazio è solo un suono; lo spazio/tempo è una distorsione creata dalla decodifica di segni.
La società di serie B è schiavizzata dalla prima. Non ha tempo nè opportunità per riflessioni scientifico/filosofiche, ha fame.

Per questo ho scelto questa foto, di un cappello che ne mangia un altro, ed ho deciso di riassumere questi concetti in questo breve segno linguistico:

„Lo spazio ed il tempo non esistono. La fame sì.“

Original text in italian, english translation by the author 

'The first true storyteller is, and will continue to be, the teller of fairy tales. ... always the art of repeating stories, and this art is lost when the stories are no longer retained' Walter Benjamin

From 21 to 22 February, eight performers spent 24 hours digging through a textonic landscape of 45 m³ of old clothes from planetary dwellers.

Their own bodies were wrapped and deformed by new and old, used or even still labelled pieces, whose value was already decaying in the hours of the creation & production process under the hands of the sewers. The prospectors infiltrated dunes of down jackets, excavated pits and penetrated the penetrating the innermost of materiality. No safe footing was possible. From the pile of clothes, they gazed out on the discarded landscape of Anthropozaen.
What stories and thoughts did they uncover? What can be explored, read and told of the discarded clothing that is contemporary civilisational history.

On 27 February, we invited chroniclers and word-finders to write down their thoughts on the textonic landscape of the BHROX bauhaus reuse as poems, essays, novellas or notes. We publish the texts in loose series.
Lorenzo lorenzo had the technical night shift during our 24-hours-performance. He got insoired by two caps.




Mareen Butter


Verloren lagst du auf dem Boden
Zerknirscht und zerknittert
Einsam und verlassen
Wurdest ewig wohl nicht aufgehoben

Doch dies‘ Mal fielst du auf
Du schwarzer Fleck
Hebtest dich ab von weißen Masken
So nahm es seinen Lauf

Selbst zu kalten Abendstunden
Wärmt meinen Bauch
Dein weicher Stoff
Wir haben uns gefunden

'The first true storyteller is, and will continue to be, the teller of fairy tales. ... always the art of repeating stories, and this art is lost when the stories are no longer retained' Walter Benjamin

From 21 to 22 February, eight performers spent 24 hours digging through a textonic landscape of 45 m³ of old clothes from planetary dwellers.

Their own bodies were wrapped and deformed by new and old, used or even still labelled pieces, whose value was already decaying in the hours of the creation & production process under the hands of the sewers. The prospectors infiltrated dunes of down jackets, excavated pits and penetrated the penetrating the innermost of materiality. No safe footing was possible. From the pile of clothes, they gazed out on the discarded landscape of Anthropozaen.
What stories and thoughts did they uncover? What can be explored, read and told of the discarded clothing that is contemporary civilisational history.

On 27 February, we invited chroniclers and word-finders to write down their thoughts on the textonic landscape of the BHROX bauhaus reuse as poems, essays, novellas or notes. We publish the texts in loose series.




PAIN is just a feeling

Alice Fassina


'The first true storyteller is, and will continue to be, the teller of fairy tales. ... always the art of repeating stories, and this art is lost when the stories are no longer retained' Walter Benjamin

From 21 to 22 February, eight performers spent 24 hours digging through a textonic landscape of 45 m³ of old clothes from planetary dwellers.

Their own bodies were wrapped and deformed by new and old, used or even still labelled pieces, whose value was already decaying in the hours of the creation & production process under the hands of the sewers. The prospectors infiltrated dunes of down jackets, excavated pits and penetrated the penetrating the innermost of materiality. No safe footing was possible. From the pile of clothes, they gazed out on the discarded landscape of Anthropozaen.
What stories and thoughts did they uncover? What can be explored, read and told of the discarded clothing that is contemporary civilisational history.

On 27 February, we invited chroniclers and word-finders to write down their thoughts on the textonic landscape of the BHROX bauhaus reuse as poems, essays, novellas or notes. We publish the texts in loose series.

Free Yourself

Free Yourself


Free Yourself



My name is Kiko. I am an ethical model, consciously working with ethical and sustainable brands who are making the world a better place. https://kiko.book.fr/ I support fashion that’s kind to our planet, people and animals. And I believe even a model can be a voice for positive change. I‘ve also founded an ethical model agency called Ethical Models to connect sustainable brands with models who share their values so that they can work together and make a bigger impact!

Regarding my art, I have some words to say - I picked up a colourful scarf and I am planning to use it to free and be myself. In life, there are many expectations from society or your family but at the end of the day, you have to choose to be yourself and do what makes you happy. I also feel like the scarf came from someone who prioritizes her sense of self. It is time to break free from expectations and free yourself.

übersetzt aus dem Englischen von barbara caveng

'The first true storyteller is, and will continue to be, the teller of fairy tales. ... always the art of repeating stories, and this art is lost when the stories are no longer retained' Walter Benjamin

From 21 to 22 February, eight performers spent 24 hours digging through a textonic landscape of 45 m³ of old clothes from planetary dwellers.

Their own bodies were wrapped and deformed by new and old, used or even still labelled pieces, whose value was already decaying in the hours of the creation & production process under the hands of the sewers. The prospectors infiltrated dunes of down jackets, excavated pits and penetrated the penetrating the innermost of materiality. No safe footing was possible. From the pile of clothes, they gazed out on the discarded landscape of Anthropozaen.
What stories and thoughts did they uncover? What can be explored, read and told of the discarded clothing that is contemporary civilisational history.

On 27 February, we invited chroniclers and word-finders to write down their thoughts on the textonic landscape of the BHROX bauhaus reuse as poems, essays, novellas or notes. We publish the texts in loose series.
Kiko nahm daran während einer Pause innerhalb eines Fotoshootings teil.





Paolo Gallo 


Quanti corpi avrai scaldato e quanti ne avrai abbracciati e magari quanti hanno pianto su di te? O ti hanno odorato per sentire di qualcun’altro.
Un viaggio lungo ti ha portato a me per coincidenze o per destino e per quanto staremo insieme? Ti stringerai quando ingrasseró e per non buttarti ti donerò a qualcun’altro per continuare il tuo lavoro, scaldare le persone..

Paolo Gallo

'I was born in Italy and live in Berlin.
I am a self taught photographer,
I'm fascinated by the everyday situations, I observe my surroundings in search of inspiration and experimentation.

'The first true storyteller is, and will continue to be, the teller of fairy tales. ... always the art of repeating stories, and this art is lost when the stories are no longer retained' Walter Benjamin

From 21 to 22 February, eight performers spent 24 hours digging through a textonic landscape of 45 m³ of old clothes from planetary dwellers. Paolo accompanied them photographically on the clothes heap.

Their own bodies were wrapped and deformed by new and old, used or even still labelled pieces, whose value was already decaying in the hours of the creation & production process under the hands of the sewers. The prospectors infiltrated dunes of down jackets, excavated pits and penetrated the penetrating the innermost of materiality. No safe footing was possible. From the pile of clothes, they gazed out on the discarded landscape of Anthropozaen.
What stories and thoughts did they uncover? What can be explored, read and told of the discarded clothing that is contemporary civilisational history.

On 27 February, we invited chroniclers and word-finders to write down their thoughts on the textonic landscape of the BHROX bauhaus reuse als as poems, essays, novellas and notes. We publish the texts in a loose series.