What a hot New Year's Eve it must have been, when the the lovers stripped off their clothes: Botton down! Salute sisterhood! Even in the gutter of Berlin's Leykestraße, a pair of pink panties with the feminist statement above the buttocks: 'Periods are cool' clings to the starched chest of a tuxedo shirt from the Ibbenbüren menswear factory Jassö Atelier. Whether the gallant in the smoking shirt got the cuffs when he read in the light of the street lamp the female avowal to bleeding: 'Periods are cool . And messy. And painful. And great.'
May the fashionably unequal couple desire and love each other - May the slogan on the panties be more than a phrase of the label Monki, rebellious daughter of H&M, which advertises with 'gender equality and sustainable consumption and production' .
Love is in the gutter - So the year 22 begins politically romantic and if Annett Louison had not already given herself musically to the gutter in 2019, we would reach her at the latest there with the words:
I celebrate the feast before I fall
I celebrate the feast before I fall
We are the dream couple from the gutter
And tonight you take me as your wife
We're somehow unbeatable
and only tomorrow
will be grey oh, oh
Oh oh
will be grey oh, oh
when we are grey oh, oh
listen to the song ....