Take back the night - in black and with potatoes
"There were only women, with or without a dick, women!"
Alice Fassina
Take Back The Night… in black and with potatoes!
Alice Fassina and Franceska Welp join the Feminist Demo gainst Sexism and Patriarchal Violence.
'For Walpurgis Night on April 30, we who call ourselves women, rolled up to the "Take Back The Night" demo in Kreuzberg with our mobile clothes horses. We fought for a society no longer based on the oppression of women, lesbians, non-binary inter, and trans individuals.
Our weapons were 'saved' black clothes and potatoes. With us the delicious tuber did not end up on the plate tonight, but on the textiles. Potato printing as a combat equipment of warfare for feminist ideals! Letter by letter we have formulated feminist slogans... women empowering à la STREETWARE!
A woman with a female sex organ who likes to hike? A Vag(ina)bonda or a Clit from the Streets! And sometimes it's enough to turn over a hanger as a sign of domestic revolt.
The dresses on our clothes rack have aroused both- the particularly wrathful women in arms and the more reserved women. One thing unites them even more: wearing their new pieces with pride!"
No god! No state! No patriarchy!
Franceska Welp documents Alice Fassina | STREETWARE's protest march through Kreuzberg on 30.4.2021.
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